Where, oh where can it be?

God’s not hiding. We’re not seeing.

I know it’s here somewhere. I just had it. Why can’t I see it? You know how the scissors and tape constantly disappear when you’re wrapping presents? Or the jacket you were going to wear today is suddenly… gone? But you know that you know that you know that those items are present, just out of view. Or sometimes right there in plain sight and you just can’t see them!

Seeking God is like that. God is always, always, always here. But stressful life circumstances can descend as a curtain of heavy fog between us and God at times. Our own mental/emotional/spiritual state interferes with our ability to feel or see him. That doesn’t mean God has gone anywhere. We might just have to work harder in our seeking. He’s not hiding. We’re not seeing.

Are you ready for some Bible study? Check out Psalm 21:7— “The king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.” Note the words TRUST and UNFAILING LOVE. God loves me no matter what happens. My response needs to be trust. Not doubt. Not anger. Not accusation. Trust.

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